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Wollfärberei in Marakesch

Dorothea Waldmüller

Wald M 7.002
Dorothea Waldmüller
Wollfärberei in Marakesch
54,7 × 75,7 cm
Wald/M 7

Dorothea Waldmüller

Attended Vocational School (painting department) and the Vocational School for Dressmaking (Ferrarischule) in Innsbruck. Fashion illustration school under Gret Kalous in Vienna. Waldmüller studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna under Herbert Boeckl and Karl Sterrer. Taught design and fashion illustration at the Higher Technical Institute for Fashion and Clothes Technology in Innsbruck 1946-82. Design of advertising posters and abstract and figurative batik works on fabric.
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