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Art Box

New Skies - Lukas Dworschak

04.11.2023 - 16.06.2024

before 8 Months

Lukas Dworschak (*1993 in Innsbruck, lives and works in Vienna) deals with the effects of technologisation on individual and collective consciousness.

His exhibition "New Skies" is about society's striving for immortality via the attempt to secure spiritual existence in the internet cloud. He asks whether these technological developments are really progress or rather a risky flight of Icarus. "New Skies" encourages us to think about the potentials and risks of technology and to reflect on the consequences of our actions in a highly technological world.

  • WEBArt Box Lukas Dworschak 12
  • WEBArt Box Lukas Dworschak 25
  • WEBArt Box Lukas Dworschak 27
  • WEBArt Box Lukas Dworschak 40
  • WEBArt Box Lukas Dworschak 44
  • WEBArt Box Lukas Dworschak 50

Art Box

Art Box feat. Fabian Reetz

13.07.2024 - 27.04.2025

ends in 2 Months

This time, the Klocker Foundation scholarship goes to Fabian Reetz, born in Bad Salzungen/DE in 1997, who began his studies at the Bauhaus University in Weimar in 2017 and is currently studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna under Prof. Iman Issa.

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