Aus Dir wird noch was Großes werden (Intervention im alten Gefängnis Brixen, IT), 2016
Maria Walcher
Maria Walcher
Aus Dir wird noch was Großes werden (Intervention im alten Gefängnis Brixen, IT), 2016
45 × 30 cm
Aus Dir wird noch was Großes werden (Intervention im alten Gefängnis Brixen, IT), 2016
45 × 30 cm
Wal/F 1
Maria Walcher
*1984 lives and works in Innsbruck
Walcher studied at the Bauhaus University Weimar, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Faculdade de Belas Artes, Lisbon. In her work, she takes up site-specific and socio-political issues in order to address sensitive issues and stimulate discussions in art as a medium of communication. International and transdisciplinary collaborations with different groups of people and interactions in public space play an important role. People are directly or indirectly involved in projects in a playful and experimental way. The choice of medium is influenced by the topic, location or people and the respective situation.